Training and Job Resources
Jobs, Internships, & Training Listings*

Job Websites

The Trading Post at KRTN Enchanted Air Radio is a excellent local job listing resource. KRTN is also a local news and information hub.

Work for Colfax County, NM. Employment opportunities, Human Resources contact information, forms, and more.

Miners Colfax Medical Center Jobs: Licenses and Non-Licensed job openings at our local hospital. For questions or assistance in applying for open positions please contact Barbara Duran at 575-445-7860 or Michael Neurauter at 575-445-7850.

Explore jobs at Vermejo Park Ranch located outside Raton, NM with Turner Enterprises, Inc., a private company that manages the business interests, landholdings and investments of its Chairman Ted Turner. Turner lands operate as working businesses, relying on bison, hunting and fishing and ecotourism as principal enterprises, while also supporting various, progressive environmental projects.

New Mexico’s online portal to jobs. Access career resources and services. Also has Veteran’s program, labor and market information, and more.
*Although Grow Raton seeks to make sure that listings are accurate and relevant, we cannot and do not investigate the entities listing with us. However, we do undertake an initial screening for accuracy of the content we list. Grow Raton strongly recommends that persons using the information we provide investigate and satisfy themselves as to the trustworthiness and reliability of any listed entity before dealing or negotiating with them, just as one would with any previously unknown corporate or business entity, or individual. We reserve the right to exclude from our listings any proposed entry which does not meet our listing criteria or which contains unverifiable, inaccurate or untimely information.