Volunteer HUB
Volunteer Opportunities*

Volunteer Opportunities!! Contact Raton Tiger Booster Club at RTBC2022@gmail.com. ***Looking for volunteers as we support our student-athletes. We have 4 committees: fundraising, events and activities, merchandise store, and marketing and advertising. If you are interested in being a part of the booster club or would like to help sponsor an event please email us at RTBC2022@gmail.com ...

Multiple Volunteer Opportunities ***Hot Air Balloon Chase Crew Volunteers Must wear closed-toed shoes, long pants, and gloves. Dress in layers. Join us for this three-day July 4th event, 6:00 am – 11:00 amCall 575-445-2052 for details and to sign up For more information please contact: Raton Main Street @ 575-445-2052 ...

Multiple Volunteer Opportunities The Relay For Life Walkathon is dedicated to helping communities attack cancer. Through funds donated, time given, and awareness raised, our communities are teaming up - virtually or in person - to make a difference. When we rally together in the fight against cancer, we can accomplish anything. ***Recruit teams, fundraise, set up and take down of banners, tables and illuminati lights. Tons of fun opportunities! Event to be held on Saturday, October 1, 2022 For more information please contact: Julian Gutierrez @ 505-652-8341 or Margerie Izamor @ 575-447-1690 ...

Multi Volunteer Opportunities ***Fast- growing church needs volunteers in several capacities. We are looking for assistance in cleaning the building, security for worship services, tech jobs (running video cameras, etc) as well as ushers. Please contact Josh Duran @ 575-707-1045 or Email:Josh@mesaraton.org ...

Volunteer With Raton Youth *** ZIA Youth is a safe place for young people, age 9-17, to hang out on Saturdays & after school Tuesday-Fridays from 3-6pm. Meet friends. Make new ones! Grab a snack. Learn new skills. Everything is FREE! Over the age of 18? Ask us about volunteer opportunities. Visit our Facebook page to send a message or Contact Jeff Mclean @ 575-707-8279 Linda Headley 575-4474975 Email: Zia.jeffmclean@gmail.com ...
*Although Grow Raton seeks to make sure that listings are accurate and relevant, we cannot and do not investigate the entities listing with us. However, we do undertake an initial screening for accuracy of the content we list. Grow Raton strongly recommends that persons using the information we provide investigate and satisfy themselves as to the trustworthiness and reliability of any listed entity before dealing or negotiating with them, just as one would with any previously unknown corporate or business entity, or individual. We reserve the right to exclude from our listings any proposed entry which does not meet our listing criteria or which contains unverifiable, inaccurate or untimely information.